Our neighbors Kate and Ross donated their lovely petrol sofa to us. It’s a two-piece, which we’ve enthusiastically turned into two separate sitting areas in our home. We’re not sure about its original legs, so for now, both sofas are on the floor. It makes me feel like I finally know what it’s like to be Japanese /s.

Last night, as I was tidying up before bed, I said to Anja I’m quite excited about keeping the sofa low, while also allowing for storage space. Anja has two modes: 0 and 100. As we say in Dutch: what’s in her head is not in her butt. It’s great when we need to get things done, but it’s also daunting when she gets her eyes on a new project.

“YOU HAVE YOUR NEURODIVERGENT THING, AND I HAVE MINE” I heard her shouting from the bedroom, as I’m sure she drew up an entire wood construction project in her head in the span of a minute.

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I'm Zinzy Waleson Geene, a diary-keeper, designer, and community builder in Amsterdam. Yelling at Internet clouds since 1997.