Week 1: hibernating

I made it home after seven nights at the hospital! Staying there between Christmas and New Year’s really wasn’t as horrible as you’d imagine. I figured: if anything happens, I’m already at the hospital, anyway.

Still, I should confess that I was excited to be released from the presence of my hospital neighbor, a dentureless elderly woman with severe bowel problems whose sounds were revolting. If you’re wondering how petty I am for focusing on that instead of my own fracture-related infection, imagine what Anja’s life is like.

This time around post-surgery, my wounds are healing beautifully, and I’ve been gaining the confidence to put pressure on my feet again. A sweet development was putting on an actual pair of shoes for the first time since late October.

Bedridden during my hospital stay, I discovered a new hobby: drawing on my iPad. Every time I google “Procreate”, I’m overwhelmed with my perceived lack of talent. I’ve learnt a new trick, though: don’t draw what other people have drawn. Pick a photograph and draw that, instead.

At home, things quickly settled into a sweet rhythm: sleeping in until 7:30 A.M., Anja and I hang around the house, playing around with our digital planners, Curb Your Enthusiasm, the technical nurse comes every day at noon to renew my antibiotics pack. Simple dinners.

I feel grateful for the Dutch healthcare system. I know, both personally and professionally, that there’s much to be improved. Still, this very specific scenario in which I find myself has me work with deeply concerned doctors, attentive nurses, and the luxury of having someone check on me every day.

A good first week.

Standing invite to say hello

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I'm Zinzy Waleson Geene, a diary-keeper, designer, and community builder in Amsterdam. Yelling at Internet clouds since 1997.