• The way inmates smile in pictures taken for the purpose of finding a penpal always makes me sad.

  • I usually take a while to overcome the cringe I feel about my past selves, but why wait when I can laugh joyfully right now at Anja and myself less than a month ago, passing the Swedish city of Göteborg and thinking the printing press was invented there?

  • Two things true

    I saw a guy on Monday that I went on a date with once. It was one of those whimsical dates. We had fish by the sea. It felt like coming home a little bit. I think the world was trying to introduce me to something for which I wasn’t ready yet. Looking back, that date, more than the others, prepared me for Anja. Looking back through butterfly …

  • Week 34: Somerlust

    • Met Tim Bleeker at Somerlust Park on Tuesday, a get-together that started as “chilling in the park”, and which turned into grabbing a drink at l’Osteria. The venue is not one I can recommend. When requesting a bigger table because more people would be coming, the waiter …
  • I’ve updated some things around here over the weekend that I think are worth documenting. There are three major changes:

    • Status update at the top of the page
    • Content is now served through a submodule
    • Blogroll

    I love Mu-An’s status update so much I had to have it for myself. I like the idea of fleeting messages, blurbs shouted into space, with no proper archive. I almost fool myself into thinking nobody will be able to hold me accountable for what I publish there, but we all know that’s not true.

    I enjoy writing Densely-linked content, and for this reason it’s better for me to have all of my writing in a single space. My space of choice at the moment is Obsidian, and thanks to Github Publisher, an Obsidian plugin, and Tania Rascia’s sweet writeup on submodules, I now technically don’t have to be in my code base to publish content anymore.

    I’ve taking the liberty of hacking together the most obscene of deployment strategies: every time I update my status, Netlify builds my site and checks the latest updates of the submodule, publishing any new notes, posts, or pages in the process. I am not ashamed.

  • “She got there at 10 a.m. but already the lights and the music conjured a perpetual afternoon.” From Emma Cline’s story “Los Angeles”.

  • It’s interesting how “Barbie” is ages nine and older the way I used to watch “South Park” as a 11-year-old.