• On the playground, a dad rocks back and forth in a swing just slightly and stares into the distance while his child sits in the stroller. The parental leave coffee break.

  • In some life-imitating-art kind of way, England’s Prince George looks like Olivia Colman to me.

  • What Pride means to me in 2023

    Nienke, Mehdi, an anonymous friend, and I attend the annual Pride March. It’s the city’s first two-week Pride festival in Amsterdam, each week organized by a different organization. With a naturally intersectional and radically-inclusive interpretation of the term “queer”, I am pleased …

  • Just spotted a family of tourists, the dad one of those Pabst Blue Ribbon hipsters who’s now adulting. He wore a shirt that read “THE SMITHS”, accompanied by a black-and-white group photo of Will Smith with his wife and kids. Thought it was deeply hilarious.

  • Hey Desi love, hope you’re well! As promised, here’s that overview of handy UX things:

    Let’s use tomorrow to go into some more detail about how to put together a portfolio!

  • I’m envious of teenagers who get to record their singing voices every day if they wanted to. I have a suspicion that I’m a better singer now than I was at 15, but I have no way of confirming it.

  • The blonde

    At the end of the shopping street
    for people who look like
    they do in the magazines
    there’s a blonde marching in place waiting
    for the light to turn green.
    She is not running per se, rather
    she’s hinting at running.
    Selling it, the way
    Charlize Theron sells
    a night to remember in a perfume commercial
    with next to nothing for evidence.

    Me, a tired …
