Playing the piano is helping me put some puzzle pieces in the right place. I’ve always had the ability to reproduce the pitch of a song, but it wasn’t until I began playing the piano that I now seem able to identify the key by name. It may seem silly or small, but that’s a game-changer for me. It makes me feel that I can put everything together now; as though I’ve come full circle.
Two weeks with a dog
Lemonade, Lemonade, Lemonade. Who knew I would ever become a dog person? Two weeks ago, we picked up our corgi Lemonade Zelda Loulé. There was a torrent of research both Anja and I did to prepare for this puppy. There was a birth announcement card. A godmother was appointed. Here are some things I learned after two weeks with a …
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I was pleased to find out just now that the longest distance between two things on Earth ever photographed is a whopping 443 km. Photographer Mark Bret was in the Pyrenees when he was able to photograph the Alps. (Via Marnanel)
I love this essay, Simone. Fully embracing the very IndieWeb concept of a personal website has helped me shake this feeling of FOMO, I imagine the same way it did for you. Don’t be hard on yourself, though, we all fell for this concept, and many of us still do. If society presents something as a way to solve a problem, most people will eventually try it. And while it does solve some problems, it also creates others. I have a few Gen Z friends who never fail to make me feel old whenever they talk about “their personal brand” in an unironic way. Gives me the shivers.
Darn Barry, I feel like 2023 is throwing you for quite a loop. Ever since you wrote about you getting laid off I think about you every now and then. I’m sorry this happened last week, although I must say I suppose it’s a lucky thing those divvies wanted to get a break-in early bird special.