Everything about Amsterdam

Anja is a phenomenon. She’s gorgeous, brilliant, hilarious, full of depth, the maker of the best chicken parm in the known universe, a stellar ceramics artist, and an impactful high school English teacher. Serendipitously, she’s my life partner.

She’s a private person, which means the vast majority of the amazing things I experience with and photograph of her don’t make it onto this website. Below are a few times she did pop into a story.

Week 13: Recruiting

It has been snowing in Amsterdam. As the years go by, I’m having trouble understanding whether I’m experiencing the effects of global warming, or whether I’ve never paid attention to what was always in front of me until now. (Continue)

A believable truth

I never get much reading done unless I’m sleeping elsewhere. Most often, I associate sleeping elsewhere with having time off, and having time off means I’m away from a computer screen. (Continue)

Weekend vibes

Her Summer break started yesterday, and as always it is an event. I am so excited about getting everything right that I mostly present as a frantic killjoy. (Continue)

Week 2: Home office

I’m terrible at keeping it a secret: my favorite time in the week is when A works from home. We spent the past month building a home office in a one-bedroom apartment, and I’m happy about the result. (Continue)