Browsing around for my favorite blog post for
Fabruary, I just ran into Lou Plummer’s
What Were Your First Seven Jobs? I say “browsing” but I was really just going through only his archive. I knew when I decided to participate in
Robert Birming’s Fabruary that the post I would submit as my favorite would be something written by Lou.
I dreamed I added my profile picture to an IndieWeb directory. Upon visiting the website in question, I noticed how my initial difficulty to correctly operate my phone’s photo library had resulted in two pictures. The first one showed my face, and the second did, too. Scrolling down, though, any viewer would immediately be met with my bare chest. I panicked, and thought about people who fall victim to revenge porn. (Continue)
As we approach the end of 2024 (wow, already?!) I’m pleased to do something I have been anticipating for months: host the December 2024 edition of the IndieWeb Carnival ( What is that?).
The theme is belief It’s an open theme, one that I hope will inspire you to share whatever pops into your head when you think about it. A few prompts to merely inspire you:
What is something you can’t know, but that you believe? (Continue)
Introduction For years, years I tell ya, I’ve been telling myself I need to write better week notes. “Better” refers to their frequency and to a lesser extent to their content. I never seemed to have found the pace to spend my Sunday afternoons sipping tea and reflecting on the week gone by.
I just noticed in my RSS feed that Rach Smith is adopting a new habit of writing Dave Rupert-inspired month notes. (Continue)