Took Lemonade to the park for playtime with Norman and Hovis. They make easy friends. Their parents kept commenting on Lemonade’s eyes. Made me think of this photo.
Everything about Lemonade
I met mary entirely by chance. She had signed up for, and was a frequent visitor for three days of, the Vine & Fig Slack channel. While we’re both cradle Catholics and linguists, Mary’s life couldn’t be more different from mine. Still, we bonded quickly and deeply over our shared interest in doing good, being true, and seeing beauty.
My friendship with Mary is one that shows me it’s entirely capable to sustain friendships that exist purely because and within the confines of the Internet.
Who knows, maybe we’ll see each other in real life one day.
Week 34: Somerlust
Met Tim Bleeker at Somerlust Park on Tuesday, a get-together that started as “chilling in the park”, and which turned into grabbing a drink at l’Osteria. (Continue)
Norway et al
After two weeks in Scandinavia, it’s clear: we are both too Dutch for proper recycling. Secretly hoarding our trash to avoid a reprimanding from our AirBnb host as he hovers over his six-compartment recycling bin, we continue our trip from rural Sweden to Copenhagen looking for a public recycling station. (Continue)
The cat
Life sure is different now that we’ve gotten Lemonade on a proper walking schedule. She still feels most comfortable going potty on the puppy pads we have on our balcony, but she absolutely loves going out and exploring the neighborhood. (Continue)
A very Mathilde visit
Much like last year, I’m so excited for Mathilde to visit our house that I get a headache just thinking about it. (Continue)
Week 11: Meeting Patrick
I got to meet one of my Internet heroes this week: Patrick Rhone and his family were on a Europe trip, and I was lucky enough to catch the planning stage on his blog right in time to extend an invitation. (Continue)
Week 10: Outings
It snowed a few times this week and I was as baffled as I always am to see it happening in March. (Continue)